
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lesson Plan: Voices of the American Revolution: Who supported the war and who was against it?

Here is the link to my Google Document:


Monday, June 20, 2011

Alix's Philosophy of Education

Education is a very complex entity; however it has one very important component which is that students and their academic and social growth come first. As teachers, it is important that we set the goals high and guide students to achieve them. Students should also have the opportunity to self assess themselves. They should monitor their own goals and progress throughout their educational experiences.

A classroom is a community of learners including the teacher and everyone in it must be willing to learn from each other. It is essential that the teacher promotes respect within the community. Collaboration among students as well as the teacher will help create this type of learning environment. Another important part of education is the support that students receive from parents, family, friends, and community members. Students should be supported in and out of the classroom and part of a teacher’s responsibility is to ensure that there is open communication with the people outside of the classroom.

Teachers must also be able to assess students’ individual needs and interests. In doing so, students should be given chances to express their own feelings, experiences, and perspectives in a way that shows the teacher what knowledge they have gained. Children are the future and it is up to us to guide their path and prepare them to succeed in it.

Friday, June 17, 2011

My 1st Blog

I am sitting in tech class and am pretty excited that it's Friday! Although this has been a long week, I have definitely learned so much about myself and my teaching skills.

YouTube: Changing Chicago Public Schools